Get Involved at fcf

How to Become a Member
FCF (like all CRC churches) is a covenant community that values membership. Membership gives you the right to vote in congregational meetings and to take on greater roles in other ministries. 
  • Membership class to get information (see pastor Jon for information on class times)
  • Meet with the elders so they can get to know you and your story
  • Make a profession of faith before the congregation and be baptized (if not already baptized)
How to Serve on the Worship Team
  • Available to members of the church. 
  • Speak with Bill Eppinga if you would like to get invovled.
How to Serve with Kids' Ministry
  • Speak with Kristin Coupal and complete an application
  • Complete SafeChurch training 
  • Complete California's Mandatory Reporter Training
  • Complete a background check and fingerprinting
How to Serve as a Greeter
Greeters do just that: greet! If you would like to be a welcoming face and hand out bulletins etc:
  • Speak to Diana Maria or Latricia Walker
How to Serve on Coffee Team
  • Speak with Marilyn Marshall to sign up.
  • Train on a Sunday with the Marshalls
How to Serve on the Media Team
  • Speak with Jack Nelson or Mike Mentink to discuss areas of interest and receive training.
  • Areas of need: slides and soundboard
How to Start a Something New
See a need? New ministries are approved by the Church Council based on the needs of the church. 
  • A church member can draft a proposal for the council to review that includes: what the ministry would entail, who it would serve, and any needs of the ministry (financial resources, rooms in the church, written materials, food, etc).
  • A budget has been approved for adult ministries in the church to help offset the costs of ministries. 
  • The council will review the proposal and meet with you to discuss any questions/concerns/clarifications and discuss next steps. 

Ongoing OUTREACH opportunities

Our deacons oversee the outreach events, meeting needs of the church, as well as other things. If you have a need, want more information, or want to get involved please reach out to them!
California Fire Foundation
The California Fire Foundation provides critical support to fallen firefighters' surviving families, firefighters, and the communities they serve. FCF offered a donation that will help provide aid to victims of fire or other natural disaster, and provide fire safety resources to underserved communities across California.

Christian Reformed Denominational Offering Calendar
2024  Calendar

As a member of the Christian Reformed denomination, FCF recommends giving to a variety of programs developed by the CRCNA. World Renew’s relief and other efforts, Thrive’s congregational support, ReFrame’s sharing of the Gospel, Resonate global missions, and Faith Alive publishing among other programs.

Contra Costa International Faith Council (CCIC)
CCIC, established in 1992, provides new and gently used furniture, household essentials and food program assistance to participants of Contra Costa County Social Service Programs to improve living conditions and quality of life. See the list of items that are always in need.

Food Bank of Contra Costa and Solano County
Every month the Food Bank distributes emergency and supplemental food to provide 2,700,000 meals to food insecure families and neighbors to help make ends meet and help provide basic nutritional needs. FCF has partnered with the Food Bank to provide volunteers for sorting food every other month on Saturday mornings 8:30-10:30. Dates and Times are forthcoming.

Hope 680
Hope 680 is an outreach to the homeless and addicted along the 680 Corridor with access to services for practical care with Christian love and Biblical truth. Opportunities include preparing lunches, serving at homeless camps, volunteer breakfasts, and cookies for volunteers. Gift bags can include Bibles, as well as hygiene, clothing, and shoes and coats for winter. The Deacons will be organizing events to support Hope 680.
Monument Impact
Monument Impact helps immigrants, refugees and low-income residents to have the voice, tools and relationships necessary to have an equitable share of the wealth and security of our region. Programs include Asset Building, Day Labor, Community Engagement, Healthy Community, and Cross-Cutting Programs. During the Christmas season, FCF holds a Christmas Present drive to provide functional gifts for workers, families, and children.

Red Cross Donations for Hurricanes Milton and Helene
Help people affected by Hurricanes Milton and Helene. Your donation enables the Red Cross to prepare for, respond to and help people recover from this disaster. In addition to FCF’s donation, you can give a donation separately.

Trinity Center of Walnut Creek
Of the many services provided by Trinity Center, its Transitional Aged Youth program (TAY) supports housing and food services to young adults aged 18-29 including those who need support after aging out of Foster Care. FCF members and Deacons welcome its participants to 1st Sunday Luncheons.

Contact the Deacons